Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ashlyn--Playing around in photoshop

Logan, one of my roommates, took a photo of me I thought turned out pretty nice. I'm not really comfortable posting a picture of myself, but on this old mac laptop is an old version of photoshop. I know a thing or two about photoshop, so I ran a few filters, and painted over myself enough to keep my anonymity. Plus it let me paint out my freckles. :)



Anonymous said...

Hubba, and, indeed, Hubba!

Anonymous said...

You tease you! :-)

Scott said...

Don't get me wrong, you're gorgeous, but I find your lack of a nose off-putting.

Anonymous said...

You know, I didn't notice the nose thing untill Scott pointed it out--now it drives me crazy. I might have to fix it and change out the image. Vain girl might not be able to let that go.


Anonymous said...

With a body like that, sex would definetely not be the forth thing my my list...