So after talking back and forth with Alia for a few daysI finally decided to blog about my experiences so she gave me access to the blog. As you can probably tell I've been to a fateful in in Maine and woke up as someone else.
I should start with who I am, who I REALLY am. My name is Matt Olmstead and I'm supposed to be 23 years old from Portland Oregon. I sell Hondas and and make my own beer. My girlfriend Lacey and I were on a vacation in New England last week when we stayed at the Trading Post Inn. Needless do say we didn't leave Maine the way we had hoped too.
Apparently the change happens when 13 people sleep at the inn the same night, and that happened the 2nd night we were there. This was a romantic vacation so Lacey and I fooled around before falling asleep naked in each others arms, which made for an awkward wakeup. We didn't get woken up by any screaming or commotion at 3am and slept through the change, so when the sun brought my eyes open I found myself with my arms around a young teenage boy.
I immediately pushed him out of the bed, waking him in a fit of confusion and said "Who the fuck are you" in a voice much higher than It was supposed to be.
The kid rubbed his eyes, looked down, grabbed his crotch and screamed. While he was doing this I looked down and saw my own body, or at least part of it. Some of it was obscured by two large, floppy, female breasts.
I cupped them when the boy on the floor said to me "Who are you, what have you done with my boyfriend, and why am I a boy?"
"Lacey" I said, still freaked by my voice
"Matt" he said squinting at me.
"What is this?" I asked helping him up and heading into the bathroom to look in the mirror.
Staring back at me was a woman in her mid 30s. Dark brown hair past her shoulders and brown eyes. She wasn't fat, technically, but boy was she curvy, especially in the thighs. She had a few stretch marks and the breasts sagged a little but pretty good looking...for her age. Lacey was now a young boy with similar features and complexion. I'll spare the description of her new body because it was underage and I feel a bit uncomfortable thinking about it still.
After a few minutes of touching our faces and other body parts to make sure this wasn't a dream, we decided to find out what was going on. Lacey was able to fit into a pair of my shorts and a tshirt, although they were extremely baggy. I on the other hand, was out of luck. Lacey's real body is quite petite and nothing of hers would come close to covering up my new body. Finally I squeezed into a pair of my boxers and put on an oversized tshirt. It was ill fitting but it would while we went into the hall to see what had happened.
It was after a 9 year old black girl explained to us the nature of the inn and the curse and that our bodies would have luggage in the closet as well as notes explaining who we are that my heart stopped racing. We went back to the room and found two suitcases. One for Gabrielle Maltos and Wesley Maltos. Clearly I was Gabrielle.
They only left one note but it was sufficient to get us started. Apparently they are Mother and Son from a suburb of Miami. They were in Maine for a youth hockey tournament and spent the night at the Trading Post before going to the airport. Obviously they missed their flight.
Gabrielles portion of the note explained that she was a stay at home mom to Wesley and a 9 year old daughter. Her husband worked for a drug company and made 6 figures a year, so not rich but not struggling. It explained the morning routine as well as the daily chores. By the time I finished reading it my heart was racing again, and Lacey could tell.
"Cheer up" she said putting her arm around me "At least you don't have to go back to high school"
"I don't think I can be a mom...or a woman" I told her weakly
"Half the population does it every day, you'll get used to it. Now get dressed, you look ridiculous"
We opened up Gabrielle's suitcase and I thumbed through the clothing, a little intimidated. Lacey impatiently grabbed some clothes and told me to hurry up and put them on. The panties were weird, considering I'm a boxers man, and dug into my new hips a little bit. The jeans she selected were tight fitting on purpose and I had to wiggle my ass a little to get into them. Lacey helped me with the bra after she saw me trying to put it on like a shirt. "Better learn to do that, I can't be doing this when people think I'm your son". One blouse later and I looked like a casually dressed 37 year old woman.
Since Wesley had missed school and their family was no doubt wondering where they were despite the real Gabrielle sending emails and texts to her husband, we decided to get home right away, rather than wait along at the inn.
I'll post later about arriving in Florida. Sorry if this post is a little disjointed and undetailed, I've never blogged before but hopefully I'll get some practice and get better at conveying my feelings and emotions.
1 comment:
It's understandable that you need time to get your thoughts in order. You've gone through an amazing change. But rest assured, we'll be here, listening to your story. Tell us all -- it's good for the soul!
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